2/7 6th Grade Cerro Villa Visit
2/10 100th Day of School
2/13 Valentine's Class parties
2/14 NO SCHOOL - Lincoln Day observed
2/17 NO SCHOOL - Washington Day
2/20 Staff Treats provided by 2nd Grade
2/21 Student of the Month @ 8:15 am
Fizzy Friday
2/24-28 Art Masters Lessons
2/24 Spring Pictures
2/25 CV Counselor Presentation (6th Grade)
2/28 H&SL Meeting @ 8:15 am
3/11 MIN DAY - End of Trimester
3/13 6th Grade Panoramic Picture
3/20 Staff Treats provided by 1st grade
3/21 Student of the Month @ 8:15 am
Fizzy Friday
3/28 H&SL Meeting @ 8:15 am
3/31-4/4 NO SCHOOL - Spring Break
4/7-11 Book Fair
4/10 6th Grade Promotion Pictures
4/11 Spring Carnival
More to come...
Interested in joining the H&SL Board?
Contact: Wendy Zuazo at president.vpehsl@gmail.com
Villa Park Elementary l 10551 Center Drive, Villa Park, CA 92861 l 714-997-6281